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Objects within Objects

Analyzing objects fully enclosed within larger parent objects is a common task in materials and life sciences, where key metrics like count or mean intensity per parent are often critical.

The Image-Pro Objects within Objects protocol provides a flexible, stepwise process for segmenting parent compartments and enclosed objects using thresholding, machine learning, or pre-trained deep learning models. This approach supports unlimited object classes and enables efficient analysis of large, complex datasets and image folders, even for users with little to no image analysis experience.

Techniques: Brightfield, Fluorescence, Holotomography, SEM, TEM

How it works

Select Channels

Select the channel for the large parent compartment and the channels for the smaller child objects.

Find Parent Objects

Find parent objects with a pre-trained deep learning model, machine learning, or threshold segmentation.

Find Child Objects

Find child objects using a pre-trained deep learning model, machine learning, or threshold segmentation.

Quantitative results

Automatically generate tables, heat maps, charts and even complex bespoke reports.

Measurement parameters supported

Solution requirements

Required Modules


2D Automated Analysis

Essentials Protocol Collection

Objects with Objects Protocol

AI Deep Learning (Optional)

General Objects Model


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