Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Sigma and Random Grain Boundaries and Their Effect on the Corrosion of the Ni-Cr-Mo Alloy 22 Journal of the Electrochemical Society N. Ebrahimi, P. Jakupi, A. Korinek, I. Barker, D. E. Moser, and D. W. Shoesmith
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago ANKRD53 interacts with DDA3 and regulates chromosome integrity during mitosis Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Seul Kim, Chang-Young Jang
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Ska1 cooperates with DDA3 for spindle dynamics and spindle attachment to kinetochore Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Ji Eun Park, Haiyu Song, Hye Jin Kwon, Chang-Young Jang
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Perfusion and metabolic scintigraphy with 123I-BMIPP in prognosis of cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy Annals of Nuclear Medicine Konstantin V. Zavadovsky , Marina O. Gulya, Yuri B. Lishmanov, Denis I. Lebedev
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Photoluminescent carbon nanotubes interrogate the permeability of multicellular tumor spheroids BIOMEDICAL APPLICATIONS OF CARBON NANOMATERIALS Prakrit V. Jena, Yosi Shamay, Janki Shah, Daniel Roxbury, Navid Paknejad, Daniel A Heller
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Photoluminescent carbon nanotubes interrogate the permeability of multicellular tumor spheroids Carbon Prakrit V. Jena, Yosi Shamay, Janki Shah, Daniel Roxbury, Navid Paknejad, Daniel A. Heller
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Low Cardiac Output Leads Hepatic Fibrosis in Right Heart Failure Model Rats Yoshitaka Fujimoto, Takashi Urashima , Daisuke Shimura, Reiji Ito, Sadataka Kawachi, Ichige Kajimura, Toru Akaike, Yoichiro Kusakari, Masako Fujiwara,
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Effect of Extrusion Ratio on Mechanical Properties of A‐20S Produced by Spray Deposition and Continuous Extrusion Technique Light Metals 2016 – The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society Y Liu, J Yin, H Li, Y Zhong