Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Suitable parameter choice on quantitative morphology of A549 cell in epithelial-mesenchymal transition Bioscience Reports Ren ZX1, Yu HB2, Li JS3, Shen JL2, Du WS4.
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago ROCK1 and ROCK2 inhibition alters dendritic spine morphology in hippocampal neurons Cellular Logistics Sharon A Swanger, Alexa L Mattheyses, Erik G Gentry & Jeremy H Herskowitz
Idea Grove (Archive) 9 years ago Efficacy of fluoride mouthrinse containing tricalcium phosphate on primary enamel lesions: a polarized light microscopic study The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Rirattanapong P, Vongsavan K, Saengsirinavin C, Phuekcharoen P
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