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Version Comparison

v11.1 v11 v10 v9.1-9.3 v9 v7
v11.1 v11 v10 v9.1-9.3 v9 v7

Image Management & Display

Image & MetaData Management
File Format Support for 65+ file types and Meta Data/Calibrations
Optical Lens & Dye Libraries - Save characteristics to meta data
Set Import / Multi-Dimensional Builder
Full Screen 'File' menu view
Channel Management - Save unique characteristics per channel
Views & Overlays
Annotation Tools (Text, Arrows, Shapes, etc.)
Timelapse Movie & Surface Views
Multi-Dimensional Views (Slide Scan, Mosaic, Compare, Bitmap, Slicer, 3D Voxel)
ROI (Region of Interest) drawing & Management
Well Plate Viewer
Color-Coded Well Plate Heat Maps

Processing & Adjustments

Image Adjustments
Pseudo-Color by gray level & Tint by Probe/Dye list or RGB/White
LUT's, BCG, B&W Levels, & Histogram stretching
Image Filters - 2D & 3D Morphological, Enhancement, Edge, and Large Spectral Filters
Image correction - Background subtraction and correction
Resize, Rotate, Resize canvas
High Dynamic Range (HDR) image creation - Post process
Align, EDF, Tile & Stitch
Auto Align images - For Z stacks or time sequences
Extended depth of field (EDF)
Auto Tile images
Auto Shading Correction across individual tiles & entire mosaic


User Layout Customization
Floating, Docked, or Full screen window modes
Views & Layouts Saved per User
AutoRecover unsaved or modified images
Dark Mode Setting - For usage in dark environments
Customizable Auto Shutdown Timer with AutoSave
Pinned Panel dock - For organizing multiple open panels
Search & Help
Helpful Feature Documentation
Universal Search across Recently Used items & Help topics
Dockable & Dynamic Help panel for easy access to Documentation
License "Linked" to USB License dongles
Flexible License Linking/Unlinking to Computer or License Server in addition to USB dongles
Online License "Bundle" management - Control module configuration per base product

Data Analytics & Reporting

Data Collection & Display
Collect 40+ measurements from one or multiple images using any data source available
Export from Data Collector to Reports, Microsoft Excel, CSV, or text file
Create custom measurements to collect using the equation editor
Flexible Data tables, Statistics, and Graphs - Sort, Filter, Condense, or Group by Class
Display Data using Heat Maps
Display annotated images in Data Table along with statistical data
Report creation with layout, text formatting, images, data tables, and graphs
Save Reports as PDF, Word, HTML, or Rich Text

Auditing & Authentication

Audit Trail - For tracking user actions across the entire application or per image
Image and file signatures - For creating unique "fingerprints" to check authenticity
Track usage across multiple sessions over time
Export data to Excel or File

Scripting & Automation

Intelligent macro recording & editor with command recognition
Graphical Macro programming tools with App builder
Batch process (with folder monitoring)

2D Measurements

Direct, Best Fit, & Relative
Manual tag, Measure Point-to-point, pitch, polygon, rectangle, circle, polyline, angle
Best Fit measurements - For finding approximate measurements by 'fitting' circles, arcs, & lines to objects
Measure Relative Distances - For measuring between object centers, minimum, maximum
Auto Trace Edges - For automatically drawing lines and polygons along edges
Auto Snap to Edge - For snapping to (straight edge, any edge, line length, line edges, along edge, circle)
Measure on a Live Preview Image (Requires 2D Capture Module)
Polygon Adjustment Options - Nudge, Grow/Shrink, Close/Merge
Magic Wand & Auto-Find Lines, Circles, Irreguar Objects
Line Profile (Caliper) & Edge Detection
Draw Line Profiles as lines or polygons manually or with AutoTrace
Detect intensity "edges" manually or automatically under the line - Peaks, Valleys, Rising, Falling
Display measurements as a graph, measurements table, or Statistics Table
Define unique intensity patterns to allow for autodetection under line
Group "edges" into classes - Name and color code
CIE L*a*b* Color Measurement - For measuring colors under cursor & extracting channels as mono images
sRGB and Color Profiling Methods for defining color measurements
Digital Color Correction - Adjust one image by a reference (image or color transform from points)
Single Variable classification - Auto-classify objects evenly into bins based upon a single measurement
Assign unique colors to objects by class
Adjust measurement overlay appearances by class

2D Automated Analysis

AI Deep Learning Segmentation
Deep Learning Model Segmentation "Prediction"
Model Training from untrained state
Model Duplication & Refinement from existing trained model
Model Import from community
Support for various model architectures (CellPose, StarDist, UNET)
Integration of AI Deep Learning Segmentation into Analysis Protocols
Library of Pre-Trained Models: Life Science Models
Library of Pre-Trained Models: Materials Models
Free-Form Segmentation
Count / Size Manual Object Classification
Auto Count Bright/Dark Objects
Count / Size Sort - Displays objects in a grid sorted by a measurement
Manual and automatic 2D object tracking tools
Smart Segmentation: Machine learning-based
Learning Classification: Training-based object classification
Voronoi Maps: Distribution & nearest neighbors analysis
Protocol-based Segmentation
Run on single file multi-positional (including multi-well) datasets or collections of individual images
Bi-direction feedback between data tables & annotated images & charts
Library of Protocol reports for both large datasets & single images
Analysis Protocols - Essentials Collection (Objects within Objects, Object Count, % Area)
Analysis Protocols - Cell Biology Collection (Apoptosis, Autophagy, Cell Count, Cell Morphology & more)
Analysis Protocols - Cell Biology Advanced Collection (Angiogenesis, Colocalization, Neurite Outgrowth, & more)
Analysis Protocols - Materials Collection (Particles, Pores, Particle Phase, Fiber Thickness, & more)

2D Image Capture

Camera Device Control
Digital Camera Control (Access on-device resolution, binning, framerate, etc.)
Single frame & Time-lapse "Movie" acquisition
Live EDF & Tiling
High-speed streaming to disk
Live Analysis (grids, compare, line measurements, counting)
Live Image Compare & HDR
Multi-Channel Capture
LightSource Device Control
Acquisition of mixed multi-channel & transmitted light datasets
Automated capture of multichannel image-set (w/ a supported multi-channel light source)
Guided acquisition of multi-channel image-sets from a manual microscope
Real-Time Deconvolution
2D Real-Time Deconvolution integrated with Capture
Wiener Filter-based algorithm
2D Iterative-based algorithm

3D Visualization & Analysis

3D Visualization
3D viewer with advanced control & volume rendering (Min & Max Projections)
Clipping plane viewing
Slicer viewing
Simple Key Frame Animation movie making
3D Visualization of Big Data Sets
Big Data Visualization using GPU Processing - Opens Terabyte sized images
Convert Large Image Sets Into Pyramidal Tiff for Big Data Visualization
3D Analysis
Iso-Surface based object analysis
Automated 3D volume measurements
3D object based manual measurements on isosurfaces
Guided Segmentation for complex samples
3D Co-localization of probes
Volume "Pseudo-surface" based object analysis

AutoQuant Deconvolution (Post-Acquisition)

Deblurring (No/Nearest Neighbor, Wiener Filter)
2D Fixed & Adaptive Deconvolution Algorithms
Support of both Theoretical & Measured PSFs
GPU Acceleration
PSF generation for WF, CF, 2 Photon, Spinning Disk, & STED modalities
Spherical Abberation Correction
Batch Deconvolution

License Server (for Network-based Licensing)

License Server for Network distribution of floating software licenses access
Dynamic license access anywhere Image-Pro is installed on an internal network
No dongle needed
Bundles can be left as floating licenses or can be fixed to a single workstation
Bundle assignment to License Server can be adjusted anytime as needed
User time out returns license back to License Server

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