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Cell Confluence

Confluence refers to the extent to which cultured adherent cells occupy the surface of a 2D substrate, such as a cell culture vessel. It is measured as the percentage of the surface area covered by cells. For example, 50% confluence means half of the available surface is covered, while 100% confluence indicates complete coverage with no remaining space for monolayer growth.

Precise and reliable measurement of cell confluence is critical for determining the optimal time to split and passage cell cultures or to harvest cells for experimental treatments. The Image-Pro Cell Confluence protocol ensures reproducible measurements, enabling high-quality, reliable data essential for successful cell culture experiments.

Techniques: Brightfield, Fluorescence

How it works

Select Channel

Select the channel that contains unlabeled cells.

Set Object Diameter

Set the diameter of unlabeled cells.

Find Cells

Measure the area occupied by cells with either a pre-trained deep learning model or machine learning.

Quantitative results

Automatically generate tables, heat maps, charts and even complex bespoke reports.

Measurement parameters supported

Solution requirements

Required Modules


2D Automated Analysis

Cell Biology Protocol Collection

Cell Confluence Protocol

AI Deep Learning

Life Science Models

Label Free Cells Model


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