Cell Confluence
Confluence is the degree to which cultured adherent cells occupy the space available on a 2D substrate such as the surface of a cell culture vessel. Confluence is measured as the percentage area occupied by cells. A confluence of 50% indicates that half of the available surface area is occupied by cells, while confluence of 100% indicates that all the space is occupied by cells and there is no further room for cells to grow as a monolayer.
Accurate and reliable measurement of Cell Confluence is essential in determining the correct time to split and passage cell cultures, as well as determining the correct time to harvest cells for experimental treatments. The Image-Pro Cell Confluence protocol delivers reproducible measurements that are essential for producing high-quality, reliable data.
Techniques: Brightfield
How it works
Select Channel
Select the channel that contains unlabeled cells.
Set Object Diameter
Set the diameter of unlabeled cells.
Find Cells
Measure the area occupied by cells with either a pre-trained deep learning model or machine learning.
Quantitative results
Automatically generate tables, heat maps, charts and even complex bespoke reports.
Measurement parameters supported
- • Percentage Confluence
- • Cell Count
- • Custom user defined measurements
Solution requirements
Required Modules
2D Automated Analysis
Cell Biology Protocol Collection
Cell Confluence Protocol
AI Deep Learning
Life Science Models
Label Free Cells Model
Recommended Package